Micellar Water - 魔法潔面卸妝水
既是化妝水, 又是卸妝水, 同時擁有TONER及CLEANSING WATER的功效
Micellar為分子的一種, 會吸附油性物質, 因此只需用由Micellar water弄濕的化妝棉抹面, 可輕易有效地將防水彩妝及面上油脂污垢抹走
由於不含酒精, 肥皂, 因此不需要沖水, 也不會抽乾水份, 更能保濕, 使皮膚潔面後更光澤, 也可以即時上妝呢
使用方法: 用前請先搖勻
一般潔面及卸妝 - Micelle淨膚粒子是一種同時具備親水與親油端的分子,可以透過親油的一端抓住彩妝與髒污粒子,再透過親水性的一端將這些包著髒污的粒子帶離肌膚表面,不需要過度拉扯,透過沾了卸妝水的化妝棉就能輕鬆帶走
卸眼妝 – 把用Micellar water沾濕後的潔膚棉,放在需要卸妝的地方待3-5秒後抹擦, 不需過度拉扯, 即可卸走至少98%彩妝, 需要時可重覆以上步驟
Using the magic of Micelles, tiny, round surfactant molecules that have a lipophilic end (attracted to oil),
and a hydrophilic end (attracted to water), make-up, oil, dirt and grime, are gently, quickly and easily removed WITHOUT the need for rinsing.
It’s that simple – and that amazing! Just apply Essential's Blueberry Micellar Water to a cotton pad and instantly the hydrophilic ends attach to the pad,
while the lipophilic ends are free to collect all the make-up and daily grime, leaving nothing but soft, dewy-fresh, clean and beautiful skin behind.
This product is so versatile; it’s a perfect fit for any line looking to offer a truly game-changing product.
It’s a make-up artist Must Have tool (perfect for quick preps, removals, and “do over’s!”),
great for Travel or Plane Ride Rescue Kits as an in-flight face savior, a camping trip hero, a tweens n teens helper – or pretty much the perfect solution for any skin area in need of feeling clean and refreshed ~ C’est Magnifique